Saturday, October 2, 2010

Hudson Valley Garlic Festival

My Garlic Cup Runneth Over
Just back from my fourth year as a speaker at the Hudson Valley Garlic Festival and still stinking! I'm loaded with fresh garlic. Probably enough to get me through to January, when I will have to beg organic garlic from one of the several Canadian organic growers near where I live.

The fabulous garlic pictured at the left is Spanish Roja, grown on Free Bird Farm at 497 McKinley Road, Palatine Bridge, NY, 13428, USA. Their booth at the festival, shown on the right, was overwhelmed with eager garlic enthusiasts.
Spanish Roja is a hardneck garlic in the Purple Stripe category.


All photographs and recipes are original and copyrighted to Pat Crocker. Pat invites you to use her recipes and share with family and friends. Please contact Pat Crocker for express permission for commercial, internet, or other use of her photographs and recipes.